
How can I support my child’s bilingual development?

As I reported in What You Should Know if You Have an ESL Child, research shows that bilingualism has positive effects on children’s cognitive development1. And we also know that young children are at risk of losing their home language. So how can parents support their...

Eager Readers ABC Chart

We use our Eager Readers ABC chart to teach children two fundamental literacy skills: How to articulate (and hear) beginning sounds of words (phonological awareness) How to connect individual letters with their corresponding sounds (phonics) Without these two skills,...

How to help your child with sight words in Kindergarten

If your child’s Kindergarten class is anything like my son’s, you have received a list of 10 to 12 sight words already in Term 1. After the kids have learned these ones, there’s another list to follow that one, and so on. I’ve had several parents ask me about these,...

What is my child’s reading level?

Parents often ask teachers about their child’s reading level. This level may be referred to as a colour, a letter, or a number. Although they need not be a secret, reading levels are really just for teachers’ use. Teachers choose appropriate levels of texts to use in...

My child knows her letter sounds. Why can’t she read simple words?

Parents might assume that once young children learn their letter sounds, they should be able to read. However, just because children can associate letters with sounds (phonics), doesn’t mean they are ready to blend them together to read or ‘sound out’ words. Learning...

9 ways to use flashcards with young readers

Following on from 7 Guidelines for Using Flashcards with Beginning Readers, here are some ways to use flashcards with your 4 to 6 year old. This is just a start – you and your child may figure out other inventive ways to play with flashcards! If you do, please share...

7 Guidelines of using flashcards with beginning readers

Recently I’ve had parents enquire about using flashcards with their children who are learning how to read (aged 4 to 6). The reason to introduce flashcards is to help your child learn how to start recognising words by their visual features and start building a small...

What your pre-schooler can do with magnetic letters

Magnetic letters are one of those things that parents often buy for kids but don’t really know what to do with them. The letters end up sitting on the fridge, collecting dust. What’s so great about magnetic letters is their versatility. They can be used in a variety...

4 easy literacy games to play in the car

Do you have a 3- or 4-year-old? Do you struggle to make time for literacy activities with your child? Here is something everyone can make time for…Did you know that you can help your child practice his early literacy skills while you’re driving? Believe it or not,...

What your toddler can do with magnetic letters

Magnetic letters are one of those things that parents often buy for their kids, but they don’t really know what to do with them. The letters end up sitting on the fridge, collecting dust. What’s so great about magnetic letters is their versatility. They can be used in...